Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Back on my feet (and on the road) again

It's been more than a blog since I have blogged, but I’m happy to report that I have been slowly picking up my running over the past few weeks. I tinkered with a handful of races near the end of May and I ran in my first Red Rooster Ramble in two months last Thursday night. I’ll be running in two more races this Fourth of July weekend and I’ve already mapped out my race schedule right up into Labor Day weekend. I‘m looking at anywhere from 12-14 races from here until that Monday, so things look pretty good.

Of the races I ran last month, there are two 10Ks I ran (both on Memorial Day weekend) that are worth mentioning -- the new 10K by the Bay in Warwick and the infamous Woodstock 10K in Woodstock, Conn. The 10K by the Bay was very well-organized for a first-time race with a mostly-flat course, tons of volunteers, and a nice barbeque afterwards. It only drew 121 runners, but once word gets around about how great this race was, I’m sure that number will balloon to over 200 next year!

As for the Woodstock 10K, which ranks in my top 10 list for favorite races and most challenging courses, this race again took place on a beautiful day and again gave me a run for my money on Child’s Hill -- the dreadful final mile that is straight uphill and very challenging! Nevertheless, Woodstock is a very beautiful, quaint, country town, and someday, I might check out the Woodstock Fair that takes place there every Labor Day weekend.